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Writer's pictureAbigail Gardner

How To Throw A Groot Beer Float Framily Night

Updated: Jun 12, 2019

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #AWMemories

Hello, Yes Have Some Universe! You’re probably all wondering why I called you here today, don’t worry it’s nothing bad, in fact it’s really the opposite of bad. Let me throw two words at you.

1. Friends

2. A&W® Root Beer

Okay so that was three words, but three very special and enticing words if I do say so myself. If you’re a regular listener to YHS podcast then you know a few things about us A. We like to

watch movies. B. We like to talk about those movies and C. We, the members of Yes Have Some Podcast love to sip on delicious sodas while recording. Heck, more than just when we’re recording honestly, it’s pretty safe to say that Craig, Jake, and myself are almost always on our way to Walmart to pick up beverage and snack supplies at any given time (I’m actually in the car on the way to buy more A&W right now, jk I wish, see how I got you?) . As a toy collector and snack enthusiast, Walmart has become a four to five times a week destination.

Folks, I’m not in my car right now. I’m at home at my kitchen table party planning right here in this post! I’m a one woman party planning committee and my objective is to bring my best pals together for one night only to make A&W Root beer floats and watch my favorite movie of all time: Guardians of the Galaxy. A&W is celebrating its 100th anniversary and anything that has been around this long, is a sure fire hit for a themed movie night with friends! Now, I’m not telling you what to do here but let me say this, I have a tendency to plan and execute excellent get togethers and if I were you, I’d start taking notes so you can go ahead and recreate your own version of my Framily Float Night inside your own domicile ASAP.

Because I’m old school, I’m going to mail out invitations to my small circle of framily, you can just text your friends and family members if that’s easier (or you can be a real fan like me and hand craft everything).

Groot Beer Float Night Invitational

Who: Your squad of special humans (plants too, that’s cool).

What: A planned evening of quality time with the people you love watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and slurping A&W Root Beer floats!

When: Sunday 8pm-?

Where: Your living room and kitchen.

I’m inviting my buds Craig and Jake, because they are two members of my core Framily Unit. But what does the term “Framily” even mean?

The Urban Dictionary (which if you’re already on the site please search the term “Barge” also because that is a YHS original and I’m very proud of it) defines Framily as “when friends become like family, they're framily. When I think of the term “Framily” I think about Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. James Gunn’s group of misfits, who give each other grief but would also would give their lives to save one another, are the living embodiment of the term. When I think even further back to some of my favorite childhood memories that involve gathering my whole family together I think about A&W Root Beer Float Night at the Gardner house. We would usually be gathered in the living room, evenly distributed between our worn in brown couches around an old Hitchcock film like The Birds or Marnie (except during that one extended period when my Dad made everyone watch Trauma: Life in the ER literally every night). My mom is the chef/dessert extraordinaire in the family and as tradition holds, she would plop vanilla ice cream into big glass cups, pop a cold can of A&W and slowly pour it over the big foamy scoop at the bottom of the cup while my older brother, Micah, and I watched. (To this day I can only assume this has attributed to my fascination with watching bath bombs dissolve in the tub.)

If you’re like me, then you’re basically down for any reason to get your extended Framily together for a memorable night in, because hey who wants to go out anyway? As a kid I used to love nothing more than throwing down a blanket, sprawling out on the floor in front of our clunky square TV set, and sipping on a frosty A&W treat from my Mom. Now as an adult who’s obsessed with recreating their past, I’m dead set on reliving these A&W Root Beer Float Nights with my two favorite buddies, my co-hosts on Yes Have Some Podcast, Craig Goldberg, and Jacob Walsh.

Perfect! Now that everyone is invited I suppose I need to work on my recipe. I’ve already defined the term “Framily” for you but what the heck is a “Groot”?? Well if you’re a YHS listener then you probably are already familiar with Groot, the lovable growing tree and foundational member of the Guardians of the Galaxy team. Lemme break it down for you- you got Starlord (played by Chris Pratt, yes obviously we’re all very in love with him), Gamora (Thanos’ daughter and my personal fitness inspo), Drax (love you, Batista), Rocket (my fav version of Bradley Cooper), and finally the glue that holds them all

together (should I have said roots?) Groot. He is Groot. I am Groot. We are Groot. I relate to all of the characters in this movie but Groot always tugs at my heartstrings the hardest, that’s why I’m naming this drink after him.

Also, I’m making these with vegan ice cream which, I can only assume Groot is (he’s definitely plant-based). One last thing before I share the recipe and some photos from the big event, I wanted to mention that the sprig of mint I used is from my own personal garden. I feel like Pepper Potts would be impressed by that.

Groot Beer Float Recipe

One scoop vegan vanilla ice cream

One can A&W Root Beer

Dash Cinnamon

Mint sprigs to garnish

Mason Jars

Interested in finding more ways to have a good time with A&W Root Beer? Check out this social hub!



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